David Tudor
Compliance Officer bij PROSUS N.V.
David Tudor bekleedt de functie van Group General Counsel bij Naspers Ltd. en Group General Counsel & Compliance Officer bij Prosus NV (een dochteronderneming van Naspers Ltd.). In het verleden was de heer Tudor Partner bij Webber Wentzel & Bowens, Group Senior Counsel bij Mongolian Investment Holding Group LLC en General Counsel bij Allegro Group, Inc. Hij is afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Edinburgh en heeft zijn doctoraal behaald aan de Universiteit van Kaapstad.
Laatste nieuws over David Tudor
Actieve functies van David Tudor
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
NASPERS LIMITED | Algemeen Adviseur | 01-06-2015 |
PROSUS N.V. | Compliance Officer | 01-01-1996 |
Eerdere bekende functies van David Tudor
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
Allegro Group, Inc. | Algemeen Adviseur | 01-10-2013 |
Webber Wentzel & Bowens
![]() Webber Wentzel & Bowens Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Webber Wentzel & Bowens provides legal services. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01-03-1996 |
![]() MIH BV Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of Prosus NV, MIH BV is a Dutch company that offers unique segmentation tools for organizations to define targeted groups and gain a better understanding of them. The company is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company provides a segmentation model for SMEs based on personal views, motives, and entrepreneurial styles. MIH also offers insights into human behavior in the field of sport, health, and nutrition through their vitality of motivaction model. Additionally, they assist customers in measuring the effectiveness of their communication strategies and achieving more impact by understanding what drives their target group. | Algemeen Adviseur | - |
Mongolian Investment Holding Group LLC | Algemeen Adviseur | - |
Opleiding van David Tudor
The University of Edinburgh | Graduate Degree |
University of Cape Town | Undergraduate Degree |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 2 |
NASPERS LIMITED | Technology Services |
PROSUS N.V. | Technology Services |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 4 |
Webber Wentzel & Bowens
![]() Webber Wentzel & Bowens Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Webber Wentzel & Bowens provides legal services. | Commercial Services |
Allegro Group, Inc. | Commercial Services |
Mongolian Investment Holding Group LLC | |
![]() MIH BV Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of Prosus NV, MIH BV is a Dutch company that offers unique segmentation tools for organizations to define targeted groups and gain a better understanding of them. The company is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company provides a segmentation model for SMEs based on personal views, motives, and entrepreneurial styles. MIH also offers insights into human behavior in the field of sport, health, and nutrition through their vitality of motivaction model. Additionally, they assist customers in measuring the effectiveness of their communication strategies and achieving more impact by understanding what drives their target group. | Finance |