Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona
Voorzitter bij ANTOFAGASTA PLC
Vermogen: 836 M $ op 31-12-2024
De heer Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona is voorzitter bij Antofagasta Minerals SA, niet-uitvoerend voorzitter bij Antofagasta Plc, voorzitter bij Aguas de Antofagasta SA en voorzitter bij Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia. Hij is lid van de raad van bestuur van Sociedad Matriz SAAM SA, Banco de Chile SA, Quienco SA, Consejo Minero de Chile AG, LQ Inversiones Financieras SA, Centro de Estudios Pblicos en Sudamericana Agencias Areas y Martimas SA. De heer Luksic Fontbona was voorheen werkzaam als vice-voorzitter bij Madeco SA /Old/. Hij behaalde zijn doctorale graad aan de London School of Economics & Political Science.
Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven
Onderneming | Datum | Aantal aandelen | Totale waarde | Waarderingsdatum |
4.26% | 31-12-2023 | 41 997 496 ( 4.26% ) | 836 M $ | 31-12-2024 |
Laatste nieuws over Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona
Actieve functies van Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
ANTOFAGASTA PLC | Voorzitter | 01-09-2014 |
QUIÑENCO SA | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-01-1993 |
BANCO DE CHILE | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 01-04-2013 |
SOCIEDAD MATRIZ SAAM S.A. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 05-04-2013 |
Consejo Minero
Consejo Minero Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Consejo Minero is a Chilean mining industry association that brings together the largest mining companies in the country. The private company is based in Chile, specifically in Las Condes. The organization's main objective is to promote competitiveness and sustainability in the mining sector and its surroundings. The CEOs of the Chilean company are Carlos Urenda and Joaquín Villarino Herrera. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Antofagasta Minerals SA
Antofagasta Minerals SA Other Metals/MineralsNon-Energy Minerals Antofagasta Minerals SA explores and mines copper. It has operations in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Pakistan. The company is headquartered in Santiago, Chile. | Voorzitter | 01-08-2012 |
Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia
Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia Other TransportationTransportation Part of Antofagasta Plc, Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia is a company that provides railroad transportation services. Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia is based in Antofagasta, Chile. The CEO of the Chilean company is Katharina Jenny. | Voorzitter | - |
Aguas de Antofagasta SA
Aguas de Antofagasta SA Water UtilitiesUtilities Aguas de Antofagasta SA provides water supply services and is ultimately controlled by the Government of Colombia. The company is based in Antofagasta, Chile. Aguas de Antofagasta was acquired by Empresas Públicas de Medellín ESP from Antofagasta Plc on June 02, 2015 for $965.29 million. | Voorzitter | - |
Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA
Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA Other TransportationTransportation Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA provides port operations and services of tugboats. The firm offers assistance in maneuvers, maritime operations, and comprehensive logistics services. The company was founded on November 15, 1961 and is headquartered in Valparaiso, Chile. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
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Eerdere bekende functies van Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
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Opleiding van Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona
London School of Economics & Political Science | Undergraduate Degree |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 4 |
ANTOFAGASTA PLC | Non-Energy Minerals |
QUIÑENCO SA | Finance |
BANCO DE CHILE | Finance |
SOCIEDAD MATRIZ SAAM S.A. | Transportation |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 8 |
Invexans SA
Invexans SA Miscellaneous ManufacturingProducer Manufacturing Invexans SA engages in the manufacture of copper goods. The firm also involves in the sale of cables. It operates through the following segments: Corporate and Energy. The company was founded on April 3, 1944 and is headquartered in Santiago, Chile. | Producer Manufacturing |
Consejo Minero
Consejo Minero Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Consejo Minero is a Chilean mining industry association that brings together the largest mining companies in the country. The private company is based in Chile, specifically in Las Condes. The organization's main objective is to promote competitiveness and sustainability in the mining sector and its surroundings. The CEOs of the Chilean company are Carlos Urenda and Joaquín Villarino Herrera. | Commercial Services |
Antofagasta Minerals SA
Antofagasta Minerals SA Other Metals/MineralsNon-Energy Minerals Antofagasta Minerals SA explores and mines copper. It has operations in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Pakistan. The company is headquartered in Santiago, Chile. | Non-Energy Minerals |
Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia
Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia Other TransportationTransportation Part of Antofagasta Plc, Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia is a company that provides railroad transportation services. Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia is based in Antofagasta, Chile. The CEO of the Chilean company is Katharina Jenny. | Transportation |
Aguas de Antofagasta SA
Aguas de Antofagasta SA Water UtilitiesUtilities Aguas de Antofagasta SA provides water supply services and is ultimately controlled by the Government of Colombia. The company is based in Antofagasta, Chile. Aguas de Antofagasta was acquired by Empresas Públicas de Medellín ESP from Antofagasta Plc on June 02, 2015 for $965.29 million. | Utilities |
Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA
Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA Other TransportationTransportation Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas SA provides port operations and services of tugboats. The firm offers assistance in maneuvers, maritime operations, and comprehensive logistics services. The company was founded on November 15, 1961 and is headquartered in Valparaiso, Chile. | Transportation |
LQ Inversiones Financieras SA
LQ Inversiones Financieras SA Major BanksFinance LQ Inversiones Financieras SA is an investment company. It performs all kinds of investments in movable property, tangible and intangible assets, and real estate, The company was founded on August 16, 2000 and is headquartered in Santiago, Chile. | Finance |
Centro de Estudios Públicos
Centro de Estudios Públicos Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Centro de Estudios Públicos is a charitable academic foundation based in Santiago, Chile. Centro de Estudios Públicos operates to study and produce knowledge on issues of public interest. The Chilean company was founded in 1980 and the CEO is Leonidas Montes Lira. | Commercial Services |