Beurs gesloten -
Andere beurzen
Variatie 5 dagen | Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%) | ||
11,52 EUR | +0,39% |
-0,90% | +2,49% |
14/02 | Uitspraak afsluiting elektriciteit: vergoedingen voor termijnbetalingen ontoelaatbaar | DP |
14/02 | Barclays handhaaft E.ON op Overwogen bij verwachte 'fatsoenlijke' resultaten voor boekjaar 24 | MT |
Groep EON SE: relatiegrafiek
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven van dezelfde groep: EON SE
Onderneming | Marktkapitalisatie | Bedrijfsleider |
INNOGY SE | 29,52 mld. | - |
LECHWERKE AG | 2,7 mld. | - |
BUDAPESTI ELEKTROMOS MUVEK NYRT. | 610 mln. | Marie-Theres Thiell |
Privébedrijven die tot dezelfde groep behoren als EON SE
Onderneming | Bedrijfsleider |
Coromatic AS
![]() Coromatic AS Information Technology ServicesTechnology Services Part of E.ON SE, Coromatic AS is a Norwegian company that provides information technology security services. The company is based in Oslo, Norway. | - |
Szczecinska Energetyka Cieplna Sp zoo
![]() Szczecinska Energetyka Cieplna Sp zoo Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Szczecinska Energetyka Cieplna Sp zoo is a Polish company led by MVV Energie AG and Ruhrgas AG. The private company is based in Szczecin, Poland. | - |
Purena GmbH
![]() Purena GmbH Water UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Purena GmbH is a German company that provides water management services. The company is based in Wolfenbüttel, Germany. The CEOs are Hinrich Beckmann, Thomas Meyer. The company was founded in 1930. | Thomas Meyer |
Essent N.V.
![]() Essent N.V. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Essent NV engages in the supply of electricity, gas, and heat to consumers and corporations. It offers electricity generated through biomass, wind energy, combined heat and power plants. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. | Resi Becker |
Vandebron Energie BV
![]() Vandebron Energie BV Electric UtilitiesUtilities Vandebron Energie BV operates as an energy company. It offers an online marketplace where customers can choose the desired energy producer. The company was founded by Remco Wilcke, Michael Fraats, Matthijs Guichelaar and Aart van Veller in 2013 and is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. | Remco Wilcke |
Essent Energie Verkoop Nederland BV | - |
Energiedirect BV | - |
Westenergie Aqua GmbH
![]() Westenergie Aqua GmbH Water UtilitiesUtilities Westenergie Aqua GmbH operates as a holding company engaged in providing water management services. Their services encompass water supply, water sanitation, design and operation works, pipe networks and sewage treatments. The company is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. | Christian Hilz |
Npower Northern Ltd.
![]() Npower Northern Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Npower Northern Ltd. engages in the transmission of electricity. The company is based in Swindon, UK. | - |
innogy Commodity Markets GmbH
![]() innogy Commodity Markets GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, innogy Commodity Markets GmbH is a German company that provides electricity trading services. The company is based in Essen, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Martin Muhr, Axel Gerhardy, Georgios Axiotis. | Axel Gerhardy |
EBY Port 3 GmbH
![]() EBY Port 3 GmbH Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, EBY Port 3 GmbH is a German company that provides management services. The company is based in Regensburg, Germany. The company was founded in 1978. Martina Knorr has been the CEO of the company since 2009. | Martina Knorr |
![]() VSE AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities VSE AG provides electricity, gas, telecommunications and facility management services. It services include energy-related, commercial and metering. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Saarbrücken, Germany. | - |
innogy Finance BV | - |
Essent Sales Portfolio Management BV | - |
E.ON Accounting Solutions GmbH
![]() E.ON Accounting Solutions GmbH Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Accounting Solutions GmbH provides financial and accounting services. The company is based in Regensburg, Germany. The German company was founded in 2013. Ulrich Haastert has been the CEO of the company since 2017. | Ulrich Haastert |
Innogy Innovation GmbH | Annemie Ress |
ELMÜ Hálózati Elosztó Kft | - |
EWV Energie- und Wasser-Versorgung GmbH
![]() EWV Energie- und Wasser-Versorgung GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities EWV Energie- und Wasser-Versorgung GmbH engages in the energy supply business. Its product portfolio includes electricity, natural gas, heating, and drinking water. The firm also offers photovoltaic systems. The company was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Stolberg, Germany. | Manfred Schröder |
E.ON Energija doo | - |
Innogy International Participations NV
![]() Innogy International Participations NV Gas DistributorsUtilities Innogy International Participations NV distributes and supplies natural gas. The company is headquartered in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. | - |
Npower Group Business Services Ltd.
![]() Npower Group Business Services Ltd. Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, Npower Group Business Services Ltd. is a British company that focuses on producing clean, safe, and affordable electricity. The company is based in Coventry, UK and was founded in 2007. The company has a clear goal of reducing CO2 emissions and are committed to promoting energy storage and technology advancements. The company's power plants and trading platform ensure a reliable energy supply. | - |
Avacon Natur GmbH
![]() Avacon Natur GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Avacon Natur GmbH is a German company that distributes alternative sources of energy. The company is based in Sarstedt, Germany. The CEOs are Alfred Schaper, Ingo Schultz. The company was founded in 2009. | Ingo Schultz |
envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG
![]() envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG operates as an investment holding company which focuses on the electricity distribution, gas, water supply, and telecommunications sectors. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Chemnitz, Germany. | Stephan Lowis |
eprimo GmbH
![]() eprimo GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, eprimo GmbH is a German company that distributes electricity. The company is based in Neu-Isenburg, Germany. The company was founded in 2005. Jens Michael Peters has been the CEO of the company since 2014. eprimo was acquired by RWE Energy AG from Überlandwerk Groß-Gerau GmbH on December 27, 2006. | Jens Michael Peters |
E.ON Plin doo
![]() E.ON Plin doo Gas DistributorsUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Plin doo is a Croatian company that supplies gas to customers. The company is based in Zagreb, Croatia. | - |
Süwag Energie AG
![]() Süwag Energie AG Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Süwag Energie AG distributes electricity, natural gas and heat. It offers these products and its related services to both private and corporate clients. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. | - |
npower Ltd.
![]() npower Ltd. Gas DistributorsUtilities npower Ltd. operates and manages coal, gas, and oil-fired power stations. It supplies gas, electricity, and related services to residential and business customers in the United Kingdom. The firm also operates and manages a portfolio of cogeneration plants. In addition, it provides boiler and central heating care services. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Swindon, the United Kingdom. | - |
innogy Polska SA | - |
Süwag Vertrieb AG & Co. KG
![]() Süwag Vertrieb AG & Co. KG Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Süwag Vertrieb AG & Co. KG is a German company that sells electricity. The company is based in Frankfurt, Germany. The CEOs are Christopher Osgood, Mario Beck. The company was founded in 2012. | Christopher Osgood |
WTTP BV | - |
E.ON Digital Technology GmbH | Verena Nicolaus-Kronenberg |
E.ON Hrvatska doo
![]() E.ON Hrvatska doo Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Hrvatska doo engages in the distribution of electricity and gas. The company was founded on April 9, 2009 and is headquartered in Zagreb, Croatia. | Karl Horst Peter Kraus |
Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser GmbH
![]() Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser GmbH Water UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser GmbH is a German company that provides renewable energy resources, water supply and sanitation services. The company is based in Frankfurt, Germany. The CEOs are Andreas Föll, Matthias Kirchner, Jens Völpert. The company was founded in 2014. | - |
Powerhouse BV
![]() Powerhouse BV Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Part of E.ON SE, Powerhouse BV is an energy and Dutch technology company that provides optimum control over energy through their energy platform. The company is based in Almere, Netherlands. The company's platform allows customers to determine their own energy strategy and provides a complete overview and control of their energy usage. | - |
envia THERM GmbH
![]() envia THERM GmbH Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of E.ON SE, envia THERM GmbH is a German company that provides heating, cooling, and steaming contacting services. The company is based in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Holger Linke, Matthias Kunath, Thomas Kühnert. | Thomas Kühnert |
![]() OIE AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, OIE AG distributes electricity and natural gas. The company is based in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. Ulrich Gagneur has been the CEO of the German company since 2013. | Ulrich Gagneur |
Coromatic AB
![]() Coromatic AB Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Coromatic AB provides physical information technology security software products. It offers construction, power, cooling, fire protection and detection, monitoring & alarms, interiors, business continuity concept, analysis, and maintenance services. The company has offices in Gothenburg and Helsingborg. Coromatic was founded 1999 and is headquartered in Bromma, Sweden | Thomas Wunger |
innogy Stoen Operator Sp zoo | - |
E.ON Försäljning Sverige AB | Karin Jarl Månsson |
Dutchdelta Finance SARL | - |
E.ON Energie AG
![]() E.ON Energie AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Energie AG is a provider of energy services. Most of its activities are concentrated in the countries of Central Europe and Central Eastern Europe. It's power stations in Germany and abroad generate electricity and, in some cases, district heating, and have a total installed capacity of some 27,000 megawatts (MW). It's German nuclear subsidiary, E.ON Kernkraft, owns / co-owns 12 reactors in Germany's Bavaria, Lower Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein regions, with a net installed capacity of about 8,500 MW | - |
E.ON Business Solutions Srl
![]() E.ON Business Solutions Srl Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Business Solutions Srl operates energy networks and infrastructures. The company is based in Milan, Italy. | - |
Weum Gas AB
![]() Weum Gas AB Gas DistributorsUtilities Weum Gas AB distributes gas and gas products. It also installs gas networks. The company is headquartered in Malmo, Sweden. | Kenneth Andersson |
E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd.
![]() E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd. Alternative Power GenerationUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd. generates electricity and retails power and gas. The company is based in Coventry, UK. The CEO of the British company is Michael David Lewis. | Michael Lewis |
![]() E.ON UK Plc Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON UK Plc engages in generating and distrubuting electricity and gas. It also provides serivces to customers to heat their homes and understand their energy usage and home installation servicesThe company was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Coventry, the United Kingdom. | Chris Norbury |
E.ON Ceská republika sro
![]() E.ON Ceská republika sro Gas DistributorsUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Ceská republika sro is a company based in Ceske Budejovice, Czechia that provides reliable energy solutions for modern households. The Czech company's services offer competitive prices, respect for nature, and customer support through a mobile application. The company also offers fixed prices for their Komplet Plyn tariff for loyalty customers for two years and provide free boiler checks as a bonus. E.ON Rádce is available to answer any questions customers may have. | Marian Rusko |
E.ON Dél-dunántúli Áramszolgáltató Rt | - |
E.ON Beteiligungen GmbH
![]() E.ON Beteiligungen GmbH MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Beteiligungen GmbH is an investment holding German company. The company is based in Essen, Germany. The CEOs are André Simon, Claus-Christian Gleimann, Guntram Würzberg. The company was founded in 2002. | Guntram Würzberg |
E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt.
![]() E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt. Gas DistributorsUtilities E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt. engages in operation of natural gas distribution network. It offers supply, measurement, reading, and inspection works, as well as equipment development and maintenance solutions. The company was founded in 1870 and is headquartered in Pécs, Hungary. | Gábor István Somodi |
Powergen Luxembourg Holdings SARL
![]() Powergen Luxembourg Holdings SARL MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Powergen Luxembourg Holdings SARL is a private company based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. | - |
Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Grohnde GmbH & Co. Ohg
![]() Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Grohnde GmbH & Co. Ohg Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Gemeinschaftskernkraftwerk Grohnde GmbH & Co. oHG operates and manages a nuclear power generation plant. The company is based in Emmerthal, Germany. | - |
E.ON Kundsupport Sverige AB
![]() E.ON Kundsupport Sverige AB Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Kundsupport Sverige AB engages in the operation of a call center. The company is based in Malmö, Sweden. Leonhard Birnbaum has been the CEO of the Swedish company since 2021. | Leonhard Birnbaum |
E.ON UK Energy Markets Ltd.
![]() E.ON UK Energy Markets Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON UK Energy Markets Ltd. is a company that supplies and generates energy. The company is based in Coventry, UK and was founded in 2015. | - |
E.ON UK Holding Co. Ltd.
![]() E.ON UK Holding Co. Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance E.ON UK Holding Co. Ltd. engages in the provision of electric and other services to domestic, small and medium-sized enterprise and industrial customers. The company is headquartered in Coventry, the United Kingdom. | - |
E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt
![]() E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt Gas DistributorsUtilities E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt. engages in gas distribution. The firm provides maintenance operation, and development of distribution networks and equipment. It offers customer support, measurements, readings, and checks. The company was founded on January 31, 1997 and is headquartered in Nagykanizsa, Hungary. | Gábor István Somodi |
E.ON Sverige AB
![]() E.ON Sverige AB Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Sverige AB trades and distributes energy and provides energy-related services. It offers electricity, renewable energy, gas, heating, cooling, and waste treatment. The company is headquartered in Malmo, Sweden. | Johan Magnus Mörnstam |
E.ON Produzione SpA
![]() E.ON Produzione SpA Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Produzione SpA generates electric power. The company was is headquartered in Milan, Italy. | - |
E.ON Hungária Zrt.
![]() E.ON Hungária Zrt. Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Hungária Zrt. engages in the operation of electricity and gas distribution network. It offers energy solutions. The company was founded on July 1, 1997 and is headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. | Eric René C. Depluet |
E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Kft.
![]() E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Kft. Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Energiaszolgáltató Kft is a company based in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian company distributes electricity and natural gas. The company is ultimately controlled by the Government of Hungary. | - |
![]() E.ON UK CHP Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON UK CHP Ltd. operates an electricity generating firm. The company was founded on February 5, 1992 and is headquartered in Coventry, the United Kingdom. | - |
E.ON Elnät Sverige AB
![]() E.ON Elnät Sverige AB Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Elnät Sverige AB engages in the distribution of electricity. It also builds and manages the electric towers and lines. The company is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. | - |
E.ON Ruhrgas GPA GmbH | Eva Maria Verena Volpert |
E.ON Finanzanlagen GmbH
![]() E.ON Finanzanlagen GmbH Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Finanzanlagen GmbH provides management services. The company is based in Essen, Germany. The CEOs of the German company are Eva Maria Verena Volpert, Michael Peter Maria Knorr. | Michael Peter Maria Knorr |
E.ON Gasol Sverige AB
![]() E.ON Gasol Sverige AB Wholesale DistributorsDistribution Services E.ON Gasol Sverige AB supplies liquefied petroleum gas. It offers cylinder and bulk supply options. The company is headquartered in Malmo, Sweden. | - |
E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramszolgáltató Zrt
![]() E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramszolgáltató Zrt Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramszolgáltató Zrt is a company based in Gyor, Hungary. The Hungarian company supplies and distributes electricity. | Balázs Lehoczki |
E.DIS Netz GmbH
![]() E.DIS Netz GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.DIS Netz GmbH is a German company that provides energy solutions. The company is based in Fuerstenwalde, Germany. The CEOs are Stefan Blache, Harald Bock, Michael Kaiser. The company was founded in 1994. | Andreas John |
E.ON Energie România | - |
E.ON Energie as | - |
E.ON Mälarkraft Värme AB | Nils Roger Östlin |
E.On Connecting Energies Ltd.
![]() E.On Connecting Energies Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Connecting Energies Ltd. is a British company that generates, provides, and distributes electricity and gas. The company is based in Coventry, UK. Founded in 2011. | - |
Kraftwerk Hattorf GmbH
![]() Kraftwerk Hattorf GmbH Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of E.ON SE, Kraftwerk Hattorf GmbH is a German company that constructs and operates power generation plants. The company is based in Munich, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Rainer Bayerke, Thomas Schmidt. | Thomas Schmidt |
Avacon AG
![]() Avacon AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities Avacon AG operates as a regional energy service provider. Its services include energy and natural gas distribution, water supply, as well as district heating. The firm also offers technical and infrastructure services. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Helmstedt, Germany. | Marten Bunnemann |
LandE GmbH
![]() LandE GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities LandE GmbH specializes in electricity distribution services. The company is based in Wolfsburg, Germany. | Sybille Schönbach |
Citigen (London) Ltd.
![]() Citigen (London) Ltd. Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of E.ON SE, Citigen (London) Ltd. is a British company that distributes electricity. The company is based in Coventry, UK. Citigen (London was founded in 1989. | - |
E.ON Gas Mobil GmbH
![]() E.ON Gas Mobil GmbH Specialty StoresRetail Trade Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Gas Mobil GmbH operates compressed natural gas (CNG) refiling stations. The company is based in Essen, Germany. The German company was founded in 2007. The CEO is Olaf Rumberg. | Olaf Rumberg |
E.ON Ügyfélszolgálati Kft
![]() E.ON Ügyfélszolgálati Kft Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Ügyfélszolgálati Kft is a company based in Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian company provides customer services. | - |
![]() E.ON IT UK Ltd. Information Technology ServicesTechnology Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON IT UK Ltd. is a company that engages in computer related activities. The company is based in Coventry, UK. | - |
E.ON Nordic AB
![]() E.ON Nordic AB Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Nordic AB is a Swedish company that generates and distributes electricity and provides gas, district heating, and water services to industrial, commercial, and residential customers. The company is based in Malmö, Sweden. Rolf Jonas Abrahamsson has been the CEO of the company since 2010. | Rolf Jonas Abrahamsson |
E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH
![]() E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH supplies electricity. It offers electricity, natural gas, solar, and heating services. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany. | Filip Thon |
E.ON Energiatermelo Kft | - |
E.ON Energy Eco Installations Ltd.
![]() E.ON Energy Eco Installations Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Energy Eco Installations Ltd. is a British company that constructs and operates peaking and combined heat and power (CHP) generating facilities. The company is based in Coventry, UK. E.ON Energy Eco Installations was acquired by E.ON UK CHP Ltd. from National Grid Plc on December 01, 1998 for $157.78 million. The company was founded in 1992. | - |
E.ON Energia SpA
![]() E.ON Energia SpA Alternative Power GenerationUtilities E.On Energia SpA engages in the sale and supply of energy and natural gas. It offers condensing boilers, air conditioning systems, and air pumps. Its products include E.ON LuceVerde Più, E.ON LuceVerde Bioraria, E.ON RisparmioCerto Luce, E.On RsparmioCerto Gas, E.ON RisparmioGas, and E.ON GasVerde Più. The company is headquartered in Milan, Italy. | - |
KGW - Kraftwerk Grenzach-Wyhlen GmbH
![]() KGW - Kraftwerk Grenzach-Wyhlen GmbH Electrical ProductsProducer Manufacturing Part of E.ON SE, KGW - Kraftwerk Grenzach-Wyhlen GmbH is a German company that manufactures turbines. The company is based in Munich, Germany. The CEOs are Rainer Bayerke, Thomas Schmidt. The company was founded in 2002. | Thomas Schmidt |
E.ON Power Plants Belgium BV
![]() E.ON Power Plants Belgium BV Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Power Plants Belgium BVBA is a Belgian company that distributes electric power. The company is based in Mechelen, Belgium and was founded in 2008. | - |
Lighting for Staffordshire Ltd.
![]() Lighting for Staffordshire Ltd. Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of E.ON SE, Lighting for Staffordshire Ltd. is a British company that engages in trade contractors. The company is based in Coventry, UK. Lighting for Staffordshire was founded in 2003. | - |
E.ON International Finance BV | - |
E.ON NA Capital LLC | - |
E.ON UK Infrastructure Services Ltd.
![]() E.ON UK Infrastructure Services Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of RWE AG, E.ON UK Infrastructure Services Ltd. is a company that engages in the production of electricity. E.ON UK Infrastructure Services Ltd. is based in Coventry, UK. | - |
E.ON Servicii Tehnice SRL
![]() E.ON Servicii Tehnice SRL Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Servicii Tehnice SRL is a Romanian company that provides business and decision support services. The company is based in Bucurest, Romania. | - |
E.ON Värme Sverige AB
![]() E.ON Värme Sverige AB Electric UtilitiesUtilities E.ON Värme Sverige AB produces and supplies energy and energy-related services. It provides heating and cooling solutions. The company was founded on April 26, 1971 and is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. | Karin Jarl Månsson |
Kraftwerk Plattling GmbH
![]() Kraftwerk Plattling GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, Kraftwerk Plattling GmbH is a German company that distributes electric power. The company is based in Munich, Germany. The CEOs of the company are Rainer Bayerke, Thomas Schmidt. | Thomas Schmidt |
E.ON Gazdasági Szolgáltató Kft | - |
![]() E.DIS AG Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.DIS AG supplies electricity. The company is based in Fuerstenwalde, Germany. The CEO of the German company is Alexander Montebaur. | Alexander Montebaur |
E.ON UK Steven’s Croft Ltd.
![]() E.ON UK Steven’s Croft Ltd. Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON UK Steven's Croft Ltd. is a company based in Coventry, UK. The British company was founded in 2016 and engages in the production of electricity. | - |
Kemsley CHP Ltd.
![]() Kemsley CHP Ltd. Engineering & ConstructionIndustrial Services Part of E.ON SE, Kemsley CHP Ltd. is a British company that designs, constructs and operates gas-fired combined heat and power units. The company is based in Coventry, UK and was founded in 2016. | - |
PreussenElektra GmbH
![]() PreussenElektra GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, PreussenElektra GmbH is a German company that generates nuclear electric power. The company is based in Hannover, Germany. The company was founded in 1927. Guido Knott has been the CEO of the company since 2015. | Ralf Güldner |
EG.D as | Zdenek Bauer |
E.ON Energy Projects GmbH
![]() E.ON Energy Projects GmbH Electric UtilitiesUtilities Part of E.ON SE, E.ON Energy Projects GmbH is a German company that engages in electricity distribution. The company is based in Munich, Germany. The CEOs are Manfred Wirsing and Rainer Bayerke. The company was founded in 2003. | Manfred Wirsing |