Bedrijfsvoering Rockwell Automation, Inc.




Elektrische componenten & apparatuur

Beurs gesloten - Nyse 22:00:02 07-02-2025 Variatie 5 dagen Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%)
268,40 USD -0,12% Intraday-grafiek van Rockwell Automation, Inc. -3,60% -6,08%

Uitvoerend comité: Rockwell Automation, Inc.

Beklede functiesVan
Blake Moret

Blake Moret

63 jaar

Chief Executive Officer 01-07-2016
President 01-07-2016
Ed Moreland

Ed Moreland

Public Communications Contact -
General Counsel -
Aijana Zellner

Aijana Zellner

Investor Relations Contact -
Cyril Perducat

Cyril Perducat

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01-07-2021
Isaac Woods

Isaac Woods

40 jaar

Treasurer 01-10-2020
Terry Riesterer

Terry Riesterer

57 jaar

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 29-11-2019
Christopher Nardecchia

Christopher Nardecchia

63 jaar

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01-11-2017
Rebecca House

Rebecca House

52 jaar

Human Resources Officer 01-07-2020
General Counsel 03-01-2017
Corporate Secretary 03-01-2017
Christian Rothe

Christian Rothe

51 jaar

Director of Finance/CFO 19-08-2024

Samenstelling van de raad van bestuur: Rockwell Automation, Inc.

Blake Moret

Blake Moret

63 jaar

Chairman 01-01-2018
James Keane

James Keane

66 jaar

Governance Committee 03-12-2021
Audit Committee Chair 08-02-2011
Executive Committee Chair
Audit Committee 15-02-2024
Compensation Committee Chair 15-02-2024
HR Committee Chair 15-02-2024
Donald Parfet

Donald Parfet

73 jaar

Audit Committee 02-11-2012
Governance Committee
Compensation Committee 17-09-2014
Nominating Committee 04-12-2012
Pamela Murphy

Pamela Murphy

52 jaar

Audit Committee 06-06-2019
Finance Committee 10-04-2023
Governance Committee 10-04-2023
Nominating Committee 10-04-2023
William Gipson

William Gipson

67 jaar

Executive Committee 13-09-2013
Governance Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 14-12-2020
HR Committee 14-12-2020
Lisa Payne

Lisa Payne

67 jaar

Finance Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 01-11-2015
Audit Committee Chair 01-11-2015
Rob Soderbery

Rob Soderbery

59 jaar

Audit Committee 02-02-2022
Governance Committee 02-02-2022
Alice Jolla

Alice Jolla

60 jaar

Audit Committee 08-02-2023
Governance Committee 08-02-2023
Timothy Knavish

Timothy Knavish

60 jaar

Audit Committee 07-02-2024
Compensation Committee 07-02-2024
Patricia Watson

Patricia Watson

59 jaar

Compensation Committee Chair 01-07-2017
Thomas Rosamilia

Thomas Rosamilia

64 jaar

Compensation Committee 07-04-2016

Voormalige zaakvoerders en bestuurders: Rockwell Automation, Inc.

Beklede functies
Steven Etzel
Steven Etzel
Director of Finance/CFO 13-11-2020 01-03-2021
Investor Relations Contact 01-02-2017 01-10-2020
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-03-2021 01-04-2021
Treasurer 01-11-2007 01-10-2020
Sujeet Chand
Sujeet Chand
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 01-01-2005 01-01-2021
David M. Dorgan
David M. Dorgan
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-06-2001 29-11-2019
Corporate Officer/Principal 29-11-2019 31-12-2019
John Cohn
John Cohn
Public Communications Contact 01-01-1999 01-01-2009
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-04-2009 01-08-2011
John P. McDermott
John P. McDermott
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-2019 31-03-2019
Sales & Marketing 18-05-2011 01-01-2019
Susan Winchester
Susan Winchester
Human Resources Officer 01-07-2007 07-01-2019
Theodore Crandall
Theodore Crandall
Director of Finance/CFO 01-10-2007 07-02-2017
Corporate Officer/Principal 07-02-2017 01-01-2019
Betty C. Alewine
Betty C. Alewine
Director/Board Member 01-01-2000 10-10-2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 19-05-2011 10-10-2018
Douglas M. Hagerman
Douglas M. Hagerman
General Counsel 01-05-2004 31-12-2016
Corporate Secretary 01-05-2004 31-12-2016
Barry C. Johnson
Barry C. Johnson
Director/Board Member 01-09-2005 02-02-2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 19-05-2011 02-02-2016
Verne G. Istock
Verne G. Istock
Director/Board Member 01-01-2003 02-02-2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 19-05-2011 02-02-2016
Robert A. Ruff
Robert A. Ruff
Corporate Officer/Principal 15-11-2013 31-12-2013
Sales & Marketing 18-05-2011 15-11-2013
Steven A. Eisenbrown
Steven A. Eisenbrown
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1996 31-12-2012
David B. Speer
David B. Speer
Director/Board Member 01-01-2003 17-11-2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 19-05-2011 17-11-2012
Kenneth F. Yontz
Kenneth F. Yontz
Director/Board Member 01-01-2002 06-02-2008
Randall Hoeflein
Randall Hoeflein
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-02-2007 -
Timothy Oliver
Timothy Oliver
Treasurer 01-05-2004 01-01-2007
James V. Gelly
James V. Gelly
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-2004 01-01-2007
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson
Director/Board Member - 01-11-2006
Don Davis
Don Davis
Chairman 01-01-1997 01-02-2005
William Herbert Gray
William Herbert Gray
Director/Board Member - 01-02-2005
Kyle B. Ahlfinger
Kyle B. Ahlfinger
Sales & Marketing 01-01-2000 01-01-2005
Keith Nosbusch
Keith Nosbusch
Director/Board Member 01-01-2018 -
Chief Executive Officer 01-02-2004 01-07-2016
Chairman 01-02-2005 01-01-2018
President 01-02-2004 01-07-2016
Michael Bless
Michael Bless
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-2001 01-01-2004
Michael T. Byrnes
Michael T. Byrnes
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1998 01-01-2004
A. Lawrence Stuever
A. Lawrence Stuever
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-06-2003 -
Lowell Ricklefs
Lowell Ricklefs
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-06-1999 01-06-2001
Mary Jane Hall
Mary Jane Hall
Human Resources Officer 01-06-2001 -
Kent G. Coppins
Kent G. Coppins
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 01-06-2001 06-11-2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 06-11-2012 -
James E. Hart
James E. Hart
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-04-2001 -
Julie Beck
Julie Beck
Director of Finance/CFO 01-03-1986 01-09-1999
Kirk Larsen
Kirk Larsen
Chief Investment Officer 01-01-1999 -
Public Communications Contact 01-01-1999 -
Rondi Rohr-Dralle
Rondi Rohr-Dralle
Investor Relations Contact 19-05-2011 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-06-2001 21-10-2009
Scott Button
Scott Button
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1991 31-12-1995
Ryan D. Gile
Ryan D. Gile
Director of Finance/CFO 01-01-1995 -
David L. Pugh
David L. Pugh
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1994 -
William T. McCormick
William T. McCormick
Director/Board Member 01-01-1989 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 19-05-2011 -
Scott Summerville
Scott Summerville
Corporate Officer/Principal 01-01-1989 -
Jordi Andreu
Jordi Andreu
Sales & Marketing 01-01-1981 -
Thomas J. Mullany
Thomas J. Mullany
Treasurer - -
Chuck Thompson
Chuck Thompson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Darcy Mauro
Darcy Mauro
Sales & Marketing - -
John Pucillo
John Pucillo
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Subba Rao Siddabattula
Subba Rao Siddabattula
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Chris Westlake
Chris Westlake
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Peggy Dipaola
Peggy Dipaola
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael R. Seethaler
Michael R. Seethaler
Sales & Marketing - -
Yaki Levy
Yaki Levy
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Don Lazzari
Don Lazzari
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Sherve
David Sherve
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jennifer Clement
Jennifer Clement
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Scott Manske
Scott Manske
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Robert Kerber
Robert Kerber
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bates Marshall
Bates Marshall
Sales & Marketing - -
Jeihri Robinson
Jeihri Robinson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Marie Lalas
Marie Lalas
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Nadine Guirl
Nadine Guirl
Human Resources Officer - -
John R. Beatty
John R. Beatty
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mohy F. Abdelgany
Mohy F. Abdelgany
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael G. Cole
Michael G. Cole
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
J. Michael Cook
J. Michael Cook
Director/Board Member - -
William J. Calise
William J. Calise
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tim D. Keyes
Tim D. Keyes
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John A. Bernaden
John A. Bernaden
Public Communications Contact - -
Yong James Gao
Yong James Gao
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
James R. Cote
James R. Cote
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Milan Rajkovic
Milan Rajkovic
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Stephen Gaines
Stephen Gaines
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Terry P. Murphy
Terry P. Murphy
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tim Riesterer
Tim Riesterer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jim Morgenson
Jim Morgenson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Vince Balistrieri
Vince Balistrieri
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Carol Calvert
Carol Calvert
Human Resources Officer - -
David DiDonato
David DiDonato
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ian Bastow
Ian Bastow
Director/Board Member - -
Scott Coleman
Scott Coleman
Sales & Marketing - -
Alf Saggese
Alf Saggese
Sales & Marketing - -
Peter C. Walters
Peter C. Walters
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Michael Backman
Michael Backman
Sales & Marketing - -
Ron Houk
Ron Houk
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Leeftijdsdistributie van bedrijfsleiders

Ratio vrouwen/mannen

Man 19
Vrouw 10

Waarvan leden van het uitvoerend comité

Man 8
Vrouw 1

Waarvan bestuurders

Man 7
Vrouw 4


Herziening omzet 1 jaar
Herziening omzet 4 maanden
Herziening omzet 1 maanden
Herziening WPA 1 jaar
Herziening WPA 4 maanden


ESG: ethische controverses
ESG: controverses inzake mensenrechten
ESG: controverses belastingsubsidies
In overeenstemming met islamitisch financieren
Logo Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. is een van 's werelds grootste bedrijven die gespecialiseerd is in de productie en marketing van besturingssystemen voor automatisering en industriële infrastructuur. De producten zijn voornamelijk bestemd voor de voedselverwerkende, automobiel-, mijnbouw-, olie- en gasindustrie. De netto-omzet is als volgt over de product- en dienstenfamilie verdeeld: - automatiserings- en besturingstoestellen (46%): aandrijfsystemen, aandrijvingen met variabele frequentie, motorbesturingen, servoaandrijvingen, servomotoren, actuatoren, microcontrollers, veiligheids-, detectie- en beschermingssystemen, enz; - professionele diensten en oplossingen met toegevoegde waarde (27,5%): advies-, opleidings- en onderhoudsdiensten, assistentie ter plaatse en op afstand, cloud-gebaseerde verbonden diensten, digitale automatiseringsoplossingen voor de olie-, gas- en petrochemische industrie, enz; - automatiseringsoplossingen en -systemen (26,5%): automatiseringssoftware en hardwareplatforms, ontwerp-, visualisatie-, simulatie- en uitvoeringssoftware, mens-machine-interfaceapparaten, industriële computers, computernetwerken, enz. De netto-omzet is geografisch als volgt verdeeld: Noord-Amerika (61,1%), Europa/Midden-Oosten/Afrika (18,2%), Azië/Pacific (13%) en Latijns-Amerika (7,7%).
Meer informatie over het bedrijf

Sleutelfiguren die het bedrijf verlieten

Keith Nosbusch
Keith Nosbusch

Chief Executive Officer

01-02-2004 01-07-2016

Don Davis
Don Davis


01-01-1997 01-02-2005