P. Campbell
Algemeen Directeur bij Queensland Alumina Ltd.
Campbell is currently the Managing Director at Queensland Alumina Ltd.
Prior to this, they attended the University of Wollongong where they obtained both an undergraduate and graduate degree.
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Queensland Alumina Ltd.
Queensland Alumina Ltd. AluminumNon-Energy Minerals Queensland Alumina Ltd. produces and supplies aluminum to smelters in Australia. It has a capacity to produce 3.85 million tones of aluminum in a year. The plant has workshops, warehouse and service facilities and access to a deep-water protected harbor. The company was founded in March 1967 and is located in Gladstone, Australia. | Algemeen Directeur | 01-01-2008 |
Opleiding van P. Campbell
University of Wollongong | Graduate Degree |
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Queensland Alumina Ltd.
Queensland Alumina Ltd. AluminumNon-Energy Minerals Queensland Alumina Ltd. produces and supplies aluminum to smelters in Australia. It has a capacity to produce 3.85 million tones of aluminum in a year. The plant has workshops, warehouse and service facilities and access to a deep-water protected harbor. The company was founded in March 1967 and is located in Gladstone, Australia. | Non-Energy Minerals |