Bedrijven (1)

Logo LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imóveis S.A.

LPS Brasil - Consultoria de Imoveis SA (LPS Brasil) is een in Brazilië gevestigd bedrijf dat diensten verleent op het gebied van onroerend goed. De belangrijkste activiteiten van de Vennootschap omvatten bemiddelingsdiensten bij de aan- en verkoop van onr ...


Foto Eduardo Alcaro
Eduardo Alcaro

Eduardo Alcaro bekleedt de functie van Chief Financial Officer bij Universo Online SA en Co-Chief Financial Officer & Director bij PagSeguro Digital Ltd. In het verleden bekleedde de heer Alcaro de functie van Vice President-Finance van Grupo Big S.A., Director-Investor Relations bij Walmart, Inc. en Auditor bij PricewaterhouseCoopers (Brazilië). De heer Alcaro behaalde een bachelorgraad aan de Getulio Vargas Foundation.

Foto Eduardo Maayan
Eduardo Maayan

Eduardo Maayan is President of Saifun Semiconductors Ltd.
and Lecturer at Technion University.
He was appointed as Vice President of Research and Development for Saifun Semiconductors in July, 2002 and Executive Vice President of Research and Development in April, 2007.
Mr. Maayan was Manager of Circuit Design for Saifun Semiconductors 1998 to 2002.
Previously, he worked at Intel Corp.
Mr. Maayan received a BSc degree and an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology at Technion University.

Foto Eduardo Leon
Eduardo Leon

Eduardo Leon is currently the Executive Vice President-Radio Programming at LBI Media Holdings, Inc. He previously worked as a Program Director at Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. from 1996 to 1998.
He also held the position of Vice President-Programming at LBI Media, Inc. and Executive Vice President-Programming at Liberman Broadcasting, Inc.

Foto Eduardo Vaccaro
Eduardo Vaccaro

Eduardo Vaccaro currently holds a Vice President-Marketing position at Cervecería Nacional S de RL.

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