Glyn Davis

Glyn Davis

Voorzitter bij Opera Australia

64 jaar
Consumer Services


Dr. Glyn Davis is a Vice-Chancellor at University of Melbourne.
He is the 19th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Melbourne and a Professor of Political Science in the University’s Faculty of Arts.
Beginning his term in January 2005, Dr. Davis championed the Growing Esteem strategy for the University of Melbourne, centered on the ‘triple helix’ – an aspiration to offer outstanding research, education, and engagement, with each strand reinforcing the others.
This strategy has encouraged major investments for the University in new research infrastructure, and an emphasis on engagement through cultural activities, archives and museums.
He has also encouraged a new focus on advancement, with the Believe campaign launched in May 2013 – the largest fundraising drive in the University’s history.
With Growing Esteem the University of Melbourne became the first Australian institution to align with international degree structures, adopting the Melbourne Model from 2008.
The Melbourne Model saw all professional degree programs taught at graduate level, and undergraduate students pursuing multidisciplinary learning in one of six broad bachelors degrees offered by the University.
He is a public policy Scholar, who writes on policymaking and coordination of central government agencies.
Dr. Davis graduated with first class honors in political science from the University of New South Wales, with a thesis supervised by Donald Horne on the origins of the radio station 2JJ.
His doctorate from the Australian National University examined the political independence of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
He undertook postgraduate appointments studying public broadcasting as a Harkness Fellow at the University of California Berkeley, the Brookings Institution in Washington and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

Actieve functies van Glyn Davis

Directeur/Bestuurslid 01-01-2018
Voorzitter 01-01-2022
Alle actieve functies van Glyn Davis

Eerdere bekende functies van Glyn Davis

University of Melbourne (Research) Algemeen Directeur 01-10-2018
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Consumer Services


University of Melbourne (Research)


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