Mark Tucker
Vermogen: 3 M $ op 31-12-2024
Mark Edward Tucker, oprichter van Prudential Corporation Asia Ltd., is een Brits zakenman die aan het roer heeft gestaan van 8 verschillende bedrijven en de positie bekleedt van Non-Executive Group Chairman bij HSBC Holdings Plc, Non-Executive Chairman van Discovery Ltd. en Chairman & Chief Executive Officer bij AIA International Ltd. De heer Tucker is tevens voorzitter van TheCityUK, geassocieerd lid van het Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, geassocieerd hoogleraar aan de Chinese Universiteit van Hong Kong en lid van de Asia Business Council. In het verleden was hij Group Chief Executive Officer & Director bij Prudential Plc. Chief Executive Officer van Prudential Corporation Asia Ltd. en Senior Vice President-Operations bij Jackson National Life Insurance Co. (beide zijn dochterondernemingen van Prudential Plc), niet-uitvoerend bestuurder bij AIA Group Ltd. en voorzitter bij AIA Co, Ltd. (Hong Kong) (een dochteronderneming van Prudential Plc). (Hong Kong) (een dochteronderneming van AIA Group Ltd.), Group Finance Director bij HBOS Plc, General Manager van The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd. (Hongkong) en Finance Controller bij PPM Capital Ltd. Mark Edward Tucker behaalde een bachelorgraad aan de Universiteit van Leeds.
Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven
Onderneming | Datum | Aantal aandelen | Totale waarde | Waarderingsdatum |
31-12-2023 | 307 352 ( 0% ) | 3 M $ | 31-12-2024 |
Laatste nieuws over Mark Tucker
Actieve functies van Mark Tucker
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
HSBC HOLDINGS PLC | Voorzitter | 01-10-2017 |
DISCOVERY LIMITED | Voorzitter | 01-03-2019 |
Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Asia Society
![]() Asia Society Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Asia Society is an educational organization that aims to promote mutual understanding and strengthen partnerships among people, leaders, and institutions. The non-profit company is based in New York, NY and has subsidiaries in Hong Kong. The company was founded by Tom W. Su and Luis Juan L. Virata. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Asia Business Council | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
![]() Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales is based in London, UK, and has subsidiaries in the UK. The institute operates independently of its membership activities and takes necessary steps to enforce these standards. With over 150,000 members, the institute provides resources such as technical information, helplines, and communities to its members. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, founded in 1880, protects the public interest by ensuring that its firms, members, students, and affiliates maintain the highest standards of professional competency and conduct. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01-01-1985 |
AIA International Ltd.
![]() AIA International Ltd. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of AIA Group Ltd., AIA International Ltd. is a provider of individual and group life, medical, accident and health insurance. The company is based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. The Chinese company was founded in 1996. Mark Edward Tucker has been the CEO of the company since 2011. | Algemeen Directeur | 01-08-2013 |
Eerdere bekende functies van Mark Tucker
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
![]() TheCityUK Financial ConglomeratesFinance TheCityUK is a membership body that advocates for the financial and related professional services industry based in the UK. The non-profit company is based in London, UK. The British company champions the industry and produces evidence of its importance to the wider national economy. The CEO of the company is Miles Celic. | Voorzitter | 01-05-2022 |
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Opleiding van Mark Tucker
University of Leeds | Undergraduate Degree |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 5 |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 17 |
Prudential Corporation Asia Ltd.
![]() Prudential Corporation Asia Ltd. Insurance Brokers/ServicesFinance Part of Prudential Plc, Prudential Corporation Asia Ltd. is a Chinese company that provides life insurance and fund management operations across. The company is based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. The company was founded in 1993 by Mark Edward Tucker. Nicolaos Andreas Nicandrou has been the CEO of the company since 2009. | Finance |
The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) | |
Jackson National Life Insurance Co.
![]() Jackson National Life Insurance Co. Life/Health InsuranceFinance Jackson National Life Insurance Co. engages in the provision of retirement fund management and life insurance services. Its products include variable and fixed index annuities. The company was founded in 1961 and is headquartered in Lansing, MI. | Finance |
The Edinburgh International Festival Society
![]() The Edinburgh International Festival Society Movies/EntertainmentConsumer Services The Edinburgh International Festival Society engages in performing arts. The private company is based in Edinburgh, UK and has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom. The CEOs are Fergus Daniel Linehan and Joanna Baker. The British company was founded in 1947. | Consumer Services |
AIA Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)
![]() AIA Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) Investment ManagersFinance AIA Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) (AIA Hong Kong) is the wholly-owned insurance subsidiary of pan-Asia insurance group AIA Group Ltd. (HKG: 1299; ADR: AAGIY), a multinational insurance and finance corporation headquartered in Hong Kong. Founded in 1931, AIA Hong Kong provides insurance solutions to both individuals and businesses. | Finance |
Bank of England | Government |
AIA International Ltd.
![]() AIA International Ltd. Multi-Line InsuranceFinance Part of AIA Group Ltd., AIA International Ltd. is a provider of individual and group life, medical, accident and health insurance. The company is based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. The Chinese company was founded in 1996. Mark Edward Tucker has been the CEO of the company since 2011. | Finance |
![]() HBOS Plc Major BanksFinance HBOS Plc engages in providing banking and financial services. It focuses on retail and commercial banking services, mortgages, insurance, and investment services. The company was founded on May 3, 2001 and is headquartered in Edinburgh, the United Kingdom. | Finance |
PPM Capital Ltd. | Finance |
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
![]() Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales is based in London, UK, and has subsidiaries in the UK. The institute operates independently of its membership activities and takes necessary steps to enforce these standards. With over 150,000 members, the institute provides resources such as technical information, helplines, and communities to its members. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, founded in 1880, protects the public interest by ensuring that its firms, members, students, and affiliates maintain the highest standards of professional competency and conduct. | Commercial Services |
Goldman Sachs, Inc.
![]() Goldman Sachs, Inc. Financial ConglomeratesFinance Goldman Sachs, Inc. provides investment and financial services. The company is headquartered in New York, NY. | Finance |
Asia Business Council | |
Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics
![]() Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics operates as a research institution which engages in an international economic policy. The company is headquartered in Washington, DC. | Commercial Services |
![]() TheCityUK Financial ConglomeratesFinance TheCityUK is a membership body that advocates for the financial and related professional services industry based in the UK. The non-profit company is based in London, UK. The British company champions the industry and produces evidence of its importance to the wider national economy. The CEO of the company is Miles Celic. | Finance |
Asia Society
![]() Asia Society Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Asia Society is an educational organization that aims to promote mutual understanding and strengthen partnerships among people, leaders, and institutions. The non-profit company is based in New York, NY and has subsidiaries in Hong Kong. The company was founded by Tom W. Su and Luis Juan L. Virata. | Commercial Services |
Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd | |
HSBC Asia Holdings Ltd.
![]() HSBC Asia Holdings Ltd. MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Part of HSBC Holdings Plc, HSBC Asia Holdings Ltd. is an investment holding Chinese company. The private company is based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. | Miscellaneous |