Nathan Lassota

Nathan Lassota

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Nathan Lassota joined Nordic Biotech as Medical Analyst in April 2008.
Nathan is a medical doctor from the University of Copenhagen and has worked as a clinician in both medical and surgical departments.
He has trained at St. Michaels Hospital (University of Toronto) and Edward S.
Harkness Eye Institute (NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University).
Prior to his current role, he was employed at the department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen.
Here he obtained the PhD.
degree based on research focusing on angiogenesis in the eye while concurrently serving as a medical consultant to Nordic Biotech.
He is the author of several papers and serves as a reviewer on the journal of Experimental Eye Research, Acta Ophthalmologica and Clinical Ophthalmology.
He serves on the board of the Association of Young Danish Ophthalmologists.

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Private Equity Analist 01-08-2009
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