
Foto Seiji Imai
Seiji Imai

Seiji Imai is currently the Chairman at Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. He previously worked as an Outside Director at FX Prime by GMO Corp.
and as a Senior Managing Executive Officer at Mizuho Bank Ltd.
Mr. Imai graduated from the Graduate School of Law Kyoto University in 1986.

Foto Masao Imai
Masao Imai

Masao Imai worked as an Executive Officer & Manager-Sales Promotion at NEPON Inc.

Foto Hikari Imai
Hikari Imai

Hikari Imai is currently holding multiple positions as an Independent Outside Director at Fuji Soft, Inc., Shimachu Co., Ltd., Pacific Metals Co., Ltd., CYBERDYNE, Inc., and Director at GPSS Holdings KK.
He is also serving as the Chairman at Keiaikai Medical Association.
In the past, he has worked as the Chairman at 3DOM Alliance, Inc. and as an Independent Director at Olympus Corp.

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