Agustin Aparicio

Agustin Aparicio

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Industrial Services
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Agustin Aparicio is Exploration Manager of Challenger Energy Corp.
Mr. Aparicio has been International Exploration Adviser of Canadian Superior Energy, Inc. since 2002.
He was Senior Consultant of International for Vintage Petroleum, Inc. and Senior Consultant of Trinidad and Latin America for Cometra Energy, Inc. Mr. Aparicio received a BS degree in Geological Engineering from San Andreas University in La Paz, Bolivia and an MS degree in Geology from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.

Eerdere bekende functies van Agustin Aparicio

Corporate Officer/Principal 15-11-2011
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Opleiding van Agustin Aparicio

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Graduate Degree

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Industrial Services

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  3. Agustin Aparicio
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