Ayanna Howard
Directeur/Bestuurslid bij AUTODESK, INC.
Vermogen: 3 M $ op 31-07-2024
Dr. Ayanna M.
Howard is an Independent Director at Motorola Solutions, Inc., an Independent Director at Autodesk, Inc., a Chief Technology Officer at Zyrobotics LLC and a Professor & Dean-Engineering College at The Ohio State University.
She is on the Board of Directors at Motorola Solutions, Inc., Autodesk, Inc., Black In Robotics, Inc., Computing Research Association and Partnership on AI.
Dr. Howard was previously employed as a Professor by Georgia Tech School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, a Chairman-Interactive Computing by Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Deputy Manager by Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
She received her undergraduate degree from Brown University, a graduate degree from the University of Southern California, an MBA from Peter F Drucker & Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management and a doctorate degree from the University of Southern California.
Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven
Onderneming | Datum | Aantal aandelen | Totale waarde | Waarderingsdatum |
0.00% | 16-07-2024 | 6 402 ( 0.00% ) | 2 M $ | 31-07-2024 |
0.00% | 14-05-2024 | 2 649 ( 0.00% ) | 1 M $ | 31-07-2024 |
Laatste nieuws over Ayanna Howard
Actieve functies van Ayanna Howard
Bedrijven | Functie | Begin |
AUTODESK, INC. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 24-09-2019 |
MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. | Directeur/Bestuurslid | 15-02-2022 |
Zyrobotics LLC
Zyrobotics LLC Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Zyrobotics LLC is a creator of educational technologies for children. The firm offers Tab Access, Zumo Learning System and STEM Storiez brands. It offers computer hardware and software, gaming, lifestyle, robotics and wireless devices. The company was founded by John V. Harding and Ayanna M. Howard in 2013 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. | Oprichter | 01-09-2013 |
The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Other Consumer ServicesConsumer Services Global Factory, Inc. provides collaborative manufacturing execution systems. The firm's software gather, organize & analyze demand, production & quality data from various sources and monitor key indicators & execute business processes to control, manage & optimize distributed manufacturing operations. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, CA. | Corporate Officer/Principal | - |
Computing Research Association | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Partnership on AI | Directeur/Bestuurslid | - |
Eerdere bekende functies van Ayanna Howard
Bedrijven | Functie | Einde |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01-02-2021 |
Georgia Tech School of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01-02-2021 |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Jet Propulsion Laboratory operates a national research facility. It is a federally funded research and development center. The firm specializes in robotic space and Earth science missions. The company was founded by Frank Malina, Ed Forman, and Jack Parsons on October 31, 1936 and is headquartered in Pasadena, CA. | Corporate Officer/Principal | 01-01-2005 |
Opleiding van Ayanna Howard
Brown University | Undergraduate Degree |
University of Southern California | Doctorate Degree |
Peter F Drucker & Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management | Masters Business Admin |
Beklede functies
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Bedrijven in privébezit
Eerstegraads connecties
Bedrijven verbonden in de eerste graad
Verwante bedrijven
Beursgenoteerde bedrijven | 2 |
AUTODESK, INC. | Technology Services |
MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. | Electronic Technology |
Bedrijven in privébezit | 4 |
Zyrobotics LLC
Zyrobotics LLC Packaged SoftwareTechnology Services Zyrobotics LLC is a creator of educational technologies for children. The firm offers Tab Access, Zumo Learning System and STEM Storiez brands. It offers computer hardware and software, gaming, lifestyle, robotics and wireless devices. The company was founded by John V. Harding and Ayanna M. Howard in 2013 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. | Technology Services |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Jet Propulsion Laboratory operates a national research facility. It is a federally funded research and development center. The firm specializes in robotic space and Earth science missions. The company was founded by Frank Malina, Ed Forman, and Jack Parsons on October 31, 1936 and is headquartered in Pasadena, CA. | Commercial Services |
Computing Research Association | |
Partnership on AI |