Bing Zhong

Bing Zhong

Geen lopende functies

Vermogen: 36 M $ op 31-03-2024



Mr. Bing Zhong is a Partner at Greenwoods Asset Management.
Mr. Zhong was the former CEO of Shenzhen Wallet Information Consulting Limited.
He has previously worked in Great Wall Securities Ltd as Head of Research and Head of a branch.
Mr. Bing Zhong has more than 10 years of working experience in Chinese securities industry and over 3 years of overseas investment experience.
Mr. Zhong holds a masters degree in Finance from the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China.

Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven

OndernemingDatumAantal aandelenTotale waardeWaarderingsdatum
30-09-2023 14 319 197 ( 1.29% ) 36 M $ 31-03-2024

Eerdere bekende functies van Bing Zhong

Portfolio Manager-Equities 01-06-2011
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Verwante bedrijven

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