Ion Ionescu

Ion Ionescu

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Ion Ionescu is Vice President of Product Operations for NexTone Communications, Inc. He founded Pantech in 1989.
Dr. Ionescu joined SR Telecom in 1997.
He joined Lucent in 1999 and served as Chief Software Architect of IP Routing Core and Vice President, Engineering and Operations of Multi Service Core.
He was a Consultant at 3Com.
Dr. Ionescu joined ADC in 2003 as Vice President of Engineering.
He held various positions at the Institute for Scientific Research and SCM.
Dr. Ionescu has 30 years of telecom experience.
He received an MSc degree in Electrical and Telecommunications from Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti in 1979.
Dr. Ionescu holds a PhD in Electronic Technology and Software Reliability.

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Corporate Officer/Principal 02-04-2008
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