Sarah Faux

Sarah Faux

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Technology Services


Ms. Sarah Faux is CEO and joined Datapoint in July 2002 after 5 years in the USA as Senior Vice President with eLoyalty Corporation.
She was responsible for managing the 100% spin-off of eLoyalty from Technology Solutions Company (TSC) acting as both Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel.
She also launched and managed eLoyalty Ventures, a venture capital fund backed by eLoyalty Corporation, Bain Capital, Sutter Hill Ventures and Technology Crossover Ventures to identify and invest in the next generation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) companies.
She previously worked for an international provider of Customer Contact software (Point Information Systems, then acquired by S1 Corporation).
She has over 10 years experience in Customer Relationship Management and has spoken at many international events on developing customer loyalty solutions.

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Technology Services

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