Scott T. Lewis

Scott T. Lewis

Geen lopende functies

63 jaar


Mr. Lewis has been the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the company since December 1, 2004.
He has also been the Vice President and Principal Accounting Officer of the Companies- ARI and Prime from July 2004 to November 2004.
For more than seven years prior to July 2004, Mr. Lewis was employed in various accounting capacities by Insignia/ESG, a publicly-held real estate company, directing finance and operations for the Central/Southeast region in his last position from 2002 through February 2004; Certified Public Accountant (since 1990).
He received a bachelor’s degree and M.B.A.
and from New York University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Scott T. Lewis

TRANSCONTINENTAL REALTY INVESTORS, INC. Corporate Officer/Principal 06-05-2005
AMERICAN REALTY INVESTORS, INC. Financieel Directeur/CFO 06-05-2005
Ervaring van Scott T. Lewis in detail bekijken

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  3. Scott T. Lewis
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