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Vertraagde tijd 20:09:05 01-07-2024 Variatie 5 dagen Verschil t.o.v. 1 jan (%)
0,62 EUR -0,24% Intraday-grafiek van Australian Dollar / Euro (AUD/EUR) 0,00% +0,49%
Eyb & Wallwitz-Chefvolkswirt: 'Deutschland muss mehr Schumpeter wagen'
DIARY-Top Economic Events to July 31
What A Shift to The Right in The EU Parliament Could Mean for The Economy, Markets, Says ING
UBS on What to Expect From The ECB If The Federal Reserve Doesn't Cut Rates
Chefvolkswirt Lane - Mit nächstem Zinsschritt erst einmal warten
Villeroy de Galhau (BCE): la zone euro se dirige vers un atterrissage en douceur
ECB Villeroy's Says Soft Landing for Eurozone Is in Sight
Lane verteidigt EZB-Zinssenkung - "Es war an der Zeit"
ECB's Lane Says Euro Moves Haven't Impacted Inflation
Spanish supervisor starts processing BBVA's application for $13 billion Sabadell deal
Lane del BCE dice que es necesario seguir frenando la economía
ECB needs to keep holding back economy, Lane says
Bce deve continuare a contenere economia - Lane
Devisen: Euro bleibt unter Druck
Vertreter sehen trotz Rückschlägen rückläufige Inflation
ING Comments on Euro, Sterling
Zone euro-L'inflation va revenir à son niveau cible en 2025 - Rehn (BCE)
Borsa: Europa peggiora, Zurigo -0,5%
Commerzbank on Overnight News
Banken fragen 0,149 Milliarden Euro weniger EZB-Liquidität nach
EZB - Viele Banken erfüllen Vorschriften für Rückstellungen nicht
Zone euro-La BCE atteindra son objectif d'inflation malgré la volatilité attendue - Villeroy
Rehn (Bce) vede notevoli progressi nel riportare inflazione verso target
Euro Well Supported After Lagarde Says ECB Could Hold Rates for a Period
Zona euro, molte banche ancora lontane da rispettare regole accantonamenti - Buch
Bce centrerà obiettivo inflazione nonostante "rumore di disturbo" dati - Villeroy
ECB says many euro zone banks dragging their feet on loan-loss provisions
ECB says many euro zone banks dragging their feet on loan-loss provisions
Las bolsas europeas se mantienen estables, pendientes de la Fed y las elecciones en Francia
ECB to hit inflation target despite data "noise" - Villeroy
Deutsche Anleihen legen leicht zu
ECB's Lagarde Sees Multi-Meeting Rate Holds A Possibility
BCE podría esperar varias reuniones entre recortes de tasas, dice Lagarde
ÜBERBLICK am Abend /Konjunktur, Zentralbanken, Politik
Lagarde, non è l'inizio di tagli continui dei tassi
La BCE pourrait attendre plusieurs réunions avant de procéder à des nouvelles baisses de taux - Lagarde
Bce potrebbe aspettare diverse riunioni per taglio tassi - Lagarde
Chefin Lagarde dämpft Erwartungen an Zinswende
Paris digère mal la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale
Präsidentin Lagarde dämpft Erwartung an weitere Zinssenkungen
Bce : Lagarde, prospettive di crescita migliorate, ripresa investimenti (RCO)
Bce : Lagarde, forward guidance su tassi non utile in fase grande incertezza (Il Sole 24 Ore)
Bce : Lagarde, ciclo di politica monetaria restrittiva non ancora concluso(Il Sole 24 Ore)
ECB could wait several meetings between rate cuts, Lagarde says