John Bruk

John Bruk

Geen lopende functies

Non-Energy Minerals


John Bruk joined Ivanhoe Mines Board in August, 2004.
For more than 35 years, Mr. Bruk has been involved, as a lawyer and a businessman, in the development of business and institutional relations in the Asia Pacific region.
He was the organizer and Founding Chairman of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, and co-founder of China Investment and Development Company of Taipei, Taiwan.
Mr. Bruk became directly involved in developing trade with Asia in 1975 as president and CEO of Cyprus Anvil Mining Corp., then the largest supplier of lead and zinc to Japan.

Eerdere bekende functies van John Bruk

TURQUOISE HILL RESOURCES LTD. Directeur/Bestuurslid 10-03-2006
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Non-Energy Minerals

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  2. Insiders
  3. John Bruk
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