Jonathan Whiteoak

Jonathan Whiteoak

Analyst-Equity bij Plato Investment Management Ltd.


Mr. Jonathan Whiteoak is Senior Quantitative Analyst at Plato Investment Management Ltd.
He joined Plato at the beginning of 2015 with over 15 years of investment experience researching Australian, Asian and global equities.
Mr. Whiteoak was most recently a Head of the Advanced Research Center in Sydney within State Street Global Advisors.
At State Street, he undertook research into quantitative stock selection, the development of alpha forecasting models, and portfolio construction techniques covering long-only, long-short, and 130/30 style strategies.
He also led a number of global taskforces involved with the development of global datasets of proprietary factors, and research into factor selection and dynamic active equity models.
He has conducted research into alternative beta strategies, and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, including the development of methods to directly incorporate ESG signals into the portfolio construction process.
He has a Bachelor of Science degree with First Class Honours, majoring in physics, from The University of Sydney.
He went on to obtain a PhD in the field of Astrophysics, with his dissertation involving a survey of the southern plane of galaxy at radio frequencies, which resulted in the discovery of new celestial objects that led to publications in such scientific journals as “Nature”.

Actieve functies van Jonathan Whiteoak

Analyst-Equity 01-01-2015
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