Mark C. Hardy

Mark C. Hardy

Geen lopende functies

60 jaar
Consumer Services
Industrial Services


Mr. Hardy joined Aurora Capital in 1993.
Previously, he was a consultant for Bain & Company, where he helped develop and implement growth strategies and cost reduction programs for companies in a variety of industries.
He serves on the Board of Directors of several Aurora investments and certain charitable and civic organizations.
Mr. Hardy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from the University of Utah.
He received his master’s degree in business administration from Harvard’s Graduate School of Business Administration.

Eerdere bekende functies van Mark C. Hardy

Directeur/Bestuurslid 02-06-2005
Corporate Officer/Principal 31-12-1992
Private Equity Investor 25-10-2010
Ervaring van Mark C. Hardy in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Mark C. Hardy

University of Utah Undergraduate Degree
Harvard University Masters Business Admin

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Mark C. Hardy in detail bekijken

Verwante bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit3


Industrial Services

Commercial Services

  1. Beurs
  2. Insiders
  3. Mark C. Hardy