
Naam Mnemo Beurs Gemiddeld volume Koers Type

Sao Paulo

3 750 427 5,91 BRL Aandeel Grupo Casas Bahia S.A. Aandeel

Sao Paulo

54 862 5,92 BRL Aandeel Grupo Casas Bahia S.A. Aandeel

Sao Paulo

0 0,01 BRL Warrant Grupo Casas Bahia S.A. Warrant

Bedrijven (9)

Logo Grupo Casas Bahia S.A.

Grupo Casas Bahia SA, voorheen bekend als Via SA, is een in Brazilië gevestigd bedrijf dat zich bezighoudt met de multichannel-detailhandel in consumentenelektronica en meubilair. Het bedrijf is actief in de segmenten consumentenelektronica, huishoudelijk ...

Logo Enel Generación Chile S.A.

Enel Generacion Chile SA, voorheen Empresa Nacional De Electricidad SA, is een in Chili gevestigd bedrijf dat zich bezighoudt met de opwekking van elektriciteit. Het Bedrijf is actief in Chili. Het Bedrijf bezit en beheert in totaal ongeveer 111 opwekking ...

Logo Inmobiliaria Milenia SA (INMISA)

Inmobiliaria Milenia SA is een in Peru gevestigd bedrijf dat voornamelijk actief is in de vastgoedsector. De activiteiten van het bedrijf omvatten het verwerven, beheren, leasen en verhuren van residentieel en niet-residentieel vastgoed. De vastgoedportef ...

Logo Springs Global Participações S.A.

Springs Global Participacoes SA is een in Brazilië gevestigd bedrijf dat actief is in de textielindustrie. Het bedrijf richt zich op het spinnen, weven, afwerken en produceren van huishoudelijke textielproducten, voornamelijk bed- en badtextielartikelen, ...

Logo Concrete Aggregates Corporation

Concrete Aggregates Corporation is een holdingmaatschappij. Het bedrijf houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met het delven, breken en verkopen van basaltbetonaggregaten. Het houdt zich ook bezig met onroerend goed en koopt, bezit, verdeelt, verkoopt, least, ver ...

Logo Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte Sociedad Anónima

Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora Norte S.A. is een openbare dienstverleningsonderneming. De onderneming houdt zich bezig met elektriciteitsdistributie in Argentinië. Het heeft een concessie om elektriciteit te distribueren in het noordwestelijke d ...

Logo MRC Allied, Inc.

MRC Allied, Inc. is een op de Filippijnen gevestigde houdstermaatschappij. Het bedrijf exploiteert via Menlo Renewable Energy Corporation (MREN) 550 kilowattpiek (kWp) fotovoltaïsche (PV) daksystemen voor een rijstpellerij in Noord-Luzon. MREN is voor 15% ...

Logo Advance Lithium Corp.

Advance Lithium Corp. is een in Canada gevestigd junior exploratiebedrijf. Het bedrijf richt zich op de verwerving en exploratie van minerale eigendommen die edelmetalen, batterijmetalen en mineralen voor meststoffen bevatten. Het houdt zich bezig met de ...

Logo Wembley SA

Wembley SA, voorheen bekend als Wembley Roupas SA, is een in Brazilië gevestigde holding die actief is in de textielindustrie. Het bedrijf houdt zich bezig met het spinnen, weven, afwerken en vervaardigen van huishoudtextielproducten. De dochterondernemin ...


Foto Isidro Fainé Casas
Isidro Fainé Casas

Isidro Fain Casas is een Spaanse zakenman die Circulo Financiero heeft opgericht en aan het roer heeft gestaan van 14 verschillende ondernemingen. Hij is voorzitter van de Confederacin Espaola de Cajas de Ahorros SA, voorzitter van de Spaanse afdeling van de Club van Rome, voorzitter van de Confederacin Espaola de Directivos y Ejecutivos, voorzitter van de Fundacin de las Cajas de Ahorros, voorzitter van de Federacin Catalana de Cajas de Ahorros, voorzitter van Circulo Financiero, voorzitter van de Captulo Espaol Club de Roma en voorzitter van de Vereniging van Catalaanse spaarbanken. Dr. Fain Casas is tevens voorzitter van Fundacin Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, voorzitter-Spaans hoofdstuk van de Club van Rome, lid van de Real Academia de Ciencias Econmicas y Financieras, lid van de Real Academia de Doctores de Espaa en lid van de Vereniging van Economen van Catalonië en heeft zitting in de raad van bestuur van 11 andere ondernemingen. Eerder bekleedde hij de volgende functies: voorzitter van Naturgy Energy Group SA, voorzitter van CaixaBank SA, voorzitter van La Caixa Foundation, hoofd human resources van Banca Riva Y Garcia, algemeen directeur van Banco Unin SA, beleggingsmanager van Banco Atlantico SA, directeur van Banca Jover en algemeen directeur van Banco de Asuncin SA. Hij is gepromoveerd aan de Harvard University en heeft een bachelorgraad van het Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa.

Foto Gianfranco Piero Ferrari de las Casas
Gianfranco Piero Ferrari de las Casas

De heer Gianfranco Piero Ferrari de las Casas is Deputy CEO & Head-Universal Banking bij Credicorp Ltd. en Chief Executive Officer bij Banco de Credito del Peru SA. Hij is lid van de Raad van Bestuur van Mibanco - Banco de la Micro Empresa SA, Grupo Credito SA, Banco de Crdito de Bolivia SA en Compaa Peruana de Medios de Pago SAC. De heer Ferrari de las Casas was voorheen werkzaam als voorzitter bij EDYFICAR Peru SA. Hij was ook lid van de raad van bestuur van Solucion Empresa Administradora Hipotecaria SA, El Pacifico Peruano Suiza Cia de Seguros y Reaseguros en Prima AFP SA. Hij behaalde zijn doctorale graad aan de Universidad del Pacfico en een MBA aan de Kellogg School of Management.

Foto Isidro Fainé Casas
Isidro Fainé Casas

Isidro Fainé Casas is currently the Chairman of Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros SA.

Foto Mazzolini Casas Mazzolini Casas
Mazzolini Casas Mazzolini Casas

Mazzolini Casas Mazzolini Casas is currently a Director at Banco BBVA Argentina SA. Previously, Mazzolini Casas held positions as Financial Director at Banco Provincial SA, Corp Banca SA, and Credilogros Cia Financiera SA. Mazzolini Casas also served as a Director at Banco BBVA Argentina SA and Chief Financial Officer at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA.

Foto Isidro Consunji
Isidro Consunji

Isidro Almeda Consunji currently works at Semirara Mining & Power Corp., as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer from 2014, DMCI Holdings, Inc., as Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, DMCI Mining Corp., as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, and various other companies.
Mr. Consunji also formerly worked at Universal Rightfield Property Holdings, Inc., as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, ENK Ltd., as Chairman, Palm Concepcion Power Corp., as Vice Chairman, and various other companies.
Mr. Consunji received his graduate degree and Masters Business Admin degree from Asian Institute of Management, undergraduate degree from the University of the Philippines, graduate degree from the University of Asia & the Pacific, and graduate degree from Center for Research & Communication.

Foto Isidro Alcantara
Isidro Alcantara

Isidro C.
is currently the Vice Chairman of Marcventures Mining & Development Corp., Chairman of Brightgreen Resources Corp., Chairman of Brightgreen Resources Holdings, Inc., Chairman of Bauxite Resources, Inc., Chairman of Alumina Mining Philippines, Inc., Non-Executive Director of Benguet Management Corp., Director of Batong Buhay Mineral Resources Corp., Non-Executive Director of Balatoc Gold Resources Corp., Director of Acupan Gold Mines, Inc., Director of AgriNurture, Inc., and President of Financial Risk Resolution Advisory, Inc. He previously served as the President & Chief Executive Officer of Philippine Bank of Communications, Inc., President, Chief Executive Officer & Director of Bright Kindle Resources & Investments, Inc., Chairman of Ferronoux Holdings, Inc., Independent Director of Ever-Gotesco Resources & Holdings, Inc., Director of Union Bank of the Philippines, Executive Director of Benguet Corp., Director of Bankers Association of the Philippines, President & Director of Marcventures Holdings, Inc., Non-Executive Director of Benguetcorp Nickel Mines, Inc., Director of Benguetcorp Laboratories, Inc., and Executive Vice President-Corporate Banking Group of Equitable PCI Bank Corp.
He also held positions at The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp.
(Manila Branch).
Mr. Alcantara is an undergraduate from De La Salle University.

Foto Ace Isidro
Ace Isidro

Dr. Ulysses Isidro is an Associate at Sofinnova Investments, Inc. He joined Sofinnova as an Associate in 2023.
He focuses on public investments in biotech, pharmaceutical, and medtech companies.
Prior to Sofinnova, he conducted investment due diligence at Adenium Research, a biotechnology consulting firm.
He received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, a graduate degree from Yale University, an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a doctorate degree from Perelman School of Medicine.

Foto Isidro Ramírez
Isidro Ramírez

Isidro Ramírez currently works as a Technical Director at Corporación Moctezuma SAB de CV.

Foto Isidro Arrieta
Isidro Arrieta

Isidro Arrieta is currently working as an Associate Director-LatAm Credit Strategy at Scotia Capital (USA), Inc. since 2022.
Prior to this, he worked as a Credit Analyst at Banco Santander SA (London Branch) from 2008 to 2014.

Foto Isidro Lagos
Isidro Lagos

Isidro Lagos is the founder of Lab4U SpA.
He held the title of Chief Scientific Officer at the company, although he is no longer active in that role.

Foto Isidro Carmona
Isidro Carmona

Isidro Carmona is associated with I&J Carmona Trucking, Inc. as the President.

Foto Isidro Romero
Isidro Romero

Isidro Romero currently works as a Director at Clinicas De Salud Del Pueblo, Inc.

Foto Isidro B. Benitez
Isidro B. Benitez

Isidro B.
is currently the Chairman of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Makati Medical Center, Chairman of Merg Realty Corp., Chairman of Amalgamated Development Corp., Chairman of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of The Philippines, Director of Nationwide Health Systems, Inc., Director of Dearborn Motors Co., Inc., and a Member of the Philippine College of Surgeons, Philippine OB-Gyne Society, and American College of Surgeons.
He formerly served as Chairman of Makati Finance Corp.
and Chairman of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of the Philippines from 1955 to 1988.
He holds a doctorate degree from the University of the Philippines.

Foto Isidro Fernandez
Isidro Fernandez

Isidro Fernandez has a current job as the Head of Business Corporation Marketing at Euskaltel SA.

Foto Isidro Oyola
Isidro Oyola

Isidro Oyola has worked as Co-Chief Executive Officer at Minera Yanacocha SRL and as Vice President-Operations at Compañía Minera Antamina SA.

Foto Martin B. Isidro
Martin B. Isidro

Martin B.
worked at Philippine Trust Co. from 2002 to 2020.
He held various titles during his tenure, including Chief Investment Officer, Secretary, and Senior VP.

Foto Isidro Flores Vasquez
Isidro Flores Vasquez

Mr. Isidro F.
Vasquez was previously employed as an Independent Director by Rex Resources Corp.
He received his undergraduate degree from Universidad de Sonora and a graduate degree from Universidad de Sonora.

Foto Jordi Casas
Jordi Casas

Jordi Casas currently works as a Director of Operations and Human Resources at CaixaRenting SA.

Foto Reynaldo T. Casas
Reynaldo T. Casas

Reynaldo T.
is the founder of ADTEL, Inc. He currently holds positions as a Member of The Management Association of the Philippines, a Member of the Rotary Club of Makati West, the President-Projects of Nv Vogt Philippines, Inc., the President of Advance Renewables Energy, Inc., and a Trustee of SAIDI School of Organization Development.
In the past, he served as an Independent Director of Basic Energy Corp., Senior Vice President-Sales of Easycall Phils, Inc., and Manager of Bellsouth International Telephone Co. Casas received his undergraduate degree from San Beda College, his graduate degree from the University of Asia & the Pacific, and his doctorate from SAIDI School of Organization Development.

Foto Victor Casas
Victor Casas

Victor Casas is the founder of Mikroscan Technologies, Inc. He held the title of Chief Technology Officer at the company, although he is no longer active in that role.

Foto Gonzalo Casas
Gonzalo Casas

Gonzalo Casas has worked as a Director at Interactive Advertising Bureau (Spain).

Foto Victor Busser Casas
Victor Busser Casas

Victor Busser Casas currently works as a Leasing Director at McArthurGlen UK Ltd.

Foto Alicia Casas
Alicia Casas

Alicia Casas currently works as a Director at Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia.

Foto Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas

Ramon Casas currently works at Miami Lighthouse For The Blind & Visually Impaired, Inc., as Director.

Foto Franck Casas
Franck Casas

Franck Casas has a current job as the Chairman & Director at Locabox SAS.

Foto Marina Casas
Marina Casas

Marina Casas has worked as a Research Assistant at the UN Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean.

Foto Anel Casas
Anel Casas

Anel Casas has worked as a Senior Analyst at Apoyo & Asociados Internacionales SAC since 2021.

Foto Bree Casas
Bree Casas

Bree Casas has worked as an Associate at SRS Real Estate Partners LLC since 2019.

Foto Jordi Casas
Jordi Casas

Jordi Casas currently works as a Director at Smalle Technologies SL.

Foto Matt Casas
Matt Casas

Mr. Matthew D.
Casas, CFA, is an Analyst & Portfolio Manager at Saratoga Research & Investment Management.
He joined Saratoga in 2012.
He is a co-portfolio manager for the firm’s equity strategies and has primary research, security selection and trading responsibilities for the technology portion of the portfolios.
He also assists with Investor Relations, serving as the representative for the investment team.
He received his B.A.
Economics from Vanderbilt University.
He is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Foto Pierre Casas
Pierre Casas

Pierre Casas is an Investment Manager at Ardian SA. He started this position in 2020 and is currently employed there.
Prior to his current role, Mr. Casas completed his undergraduate degree at Ecole Polytechnique in 2017.
He also obtained a graduate degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris in the same year.

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