
Foto Susan Silbermann
Susan Silbermann

Susan Silbermann bekleedt de functie van President & General Manager-Pfizer Vaccines bij Pfizer Inc. Mevrouw Silbermann zit ook in de raad van bestuur van LianBio en HilleVax, Inc. Zij behaalde haar doctoraal aan de Tufts University, een MBA aan de Leonard N Stern School of Business en een graduaat aan de New York University.

Foto Chris Silbermann
Chris Silbermann

Chris Silbermann is currently the Chief Executive Officer, MD & Partner at International Creative Management Partners LLC.
He is also the Chairman of the Entertainment Industry Foundation and the Director of the American Film Institute, Inc. In addition, he is currently serving as an Independent Director at Waverley Capital Acquisition Corp.
Previously, Mr. Silbermann held positions as the Director at The Nature Conservancy, Inc., Principal at BWCS UK, Principal at Triad Artists, Inc., and Managing Partner at Broder Webb Chervin Silbermann Agency.
He also served as a Trustee at the University of California, Berkeley Foundation and as the President & Treasurer of the Hollywood Radio & Television Society in 2012.
Mr. Silbermann completed his undergraduate degree at the University of California, Berkeley.

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