Abdullah Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Subaie

Abdullah Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Subaie

Geen lopende functies

Vermogen: 823 M $ op 31-03-2024

81 jaar


Mr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Subaie is Independent Non-Executive Director at Jabal Omar Development Co. and Independent Director at Arabian Cement Co. He is on the Board of Directors at Jabal Omar Development Co., Bank Albilad, and Arabian Cement Co.

Bekende belangen in openbare bedrijven

OndernemingDatumAantal aandelenTotale waardeWaarderingsdatum
13-12-2023 63 570 000 ( 6.36% ) 823 M $ 31-03-2024
  1. Beurs
  2. Insiders
  3. Abdullah Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Subaie