Doug Gorder

Doug Gorder

Geen lopende functies

Consumer Services
Technology Services
Commercial Services


Doug Gorder is an Executive Vice President and of Vigilos, Inc. and co-founded Vigilos in 2000.
He has 15 years experience in managing finance and operations for large and small enterprises.
Previously, Mr. Gorder held various positions at IBM, U.S.
WEST, Aldus Corp., the Cobalt Group and Toll Free Cellular.
He co-founded the Cobalt Group in 1995.
Previously, he was Chief Financial Officer of The Cobalt Group and Toll Free Cellular.
Mr. Gorder received a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and an MBA in Finance and MIS from the University of Washington.

Eerdere bekende functies van Doug Gorder

Financieel Directeur/CFO -
Oprichter -
Ervaring van Doug Gorder in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Doug Gorder

Washington State University Undergraduate Degree
University of Washington Graduate Degree

Beklede functies



Beursgenoteerde bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit

Ervaring van Doug Gorder in detail bekijken

Verwante bedrijven

Bedrijven in privébezit2

Technology Services

Commercial Services

  1. Beurs
  2. Insiders
  3. Doug Gorder
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