Mark Cooper Saussy

Mark Cooper Saussy

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Commercial Services
Consumer Services


Mr. Mark C.
Saussy, CPA, is Executive Vice President at Southeast Asset Advisors, Inc. He has been with Southeast Asset Advisors since 2001.
His primary responsibilities include portfolio management, security analysis, client service, marketing and communication.
He has over 15 years of experience serving individuals, family offices, closely held businesses, endowments and institutions.
His focus includes asset allocation, portfolio management, valuation and security analysis.
He has vast experience in valuation of both public and private companies.
Prior to joining Southeast Asset Advisors, he was Vice President of Corporate Development for a NYSE Company.
He began his career at Price Waterhouse Coopers.
Mr. Saussy received his BBA degree from the University of Georgia.
He also holds Certified Investment Management Analyst certificate.

Actieve functies van Mark Cooper Saussy

Eerdere bekende functies van Mark Cooper Saussy

Corporate Officer/Principal -
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Opleiding van Mark Cooper Saussy

University of Georgia Undergraduate Degree

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