Raphael Lehrer

Raphael Lehrer

Geen lopende functies

Commercial Services
Consumer Services
Health Technology


Raphael Lehrer is Vice President of New Business Development for CollabRx, Inc. Previously, he was Executive Director of Strategic Alliances for Gene Logic's Drug Repositioning and Selection Business.
Prior to joining Gene Logic, Dr. Lehrer worked at The Boston Consulting Group.
He received a BS degree in Physics from Yale University and a PhD degree in Physics from Harvard University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Raphael Lehrer

Corporate Officer/Principal 27-09-2012
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Directeur/Bestuurslid -
Ervaring van Raphael Lehrer in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Raphael Lehrer

Yale University Undergraduate Degree
Harvard University Doctorate Degree

Beklede functies



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Commercial Services

Health Technology

Commercial Services

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  3. Raphael Lehrer
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