Shuk Shan Au Yan

Shuk Shan Au Yan

Geen lopende functies

60 jaar
Electronic Technology
Consumer Services
Process Industries


Shuk Shan Au Yan worked as the Head of Legal Department at Norske Skog PanAsia Co. Pte Ltd.
and as the Vice President of Legal at REC Solar ASA. She is a graduate of the National University of Singapore.

Eerdere bekende functies van Shuk Shan Au Yan

Algemeen Adviseur -
REC SOLAR ASA Algemeen Adviseur -
Ervaring van Shuk Shan Au Yan in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Shuk Shan Au Yan

National University of Singapore Graduate Degree

Beklede functies



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Ervaring van Shuk Shan Au Yan in detail bekijken

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Electronic Technology

Process Industries

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  3. Shuk Shan Au Yan