Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi

Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi

Geen lopende functies

Consumer Services


Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi formerly worked at Kuwait Finance House KSC, as Assistant General Manager, The Gulf Bank of Kuwait, as Chief Information Officer & General Manager, and Boubyan Bank KSC, as General Manager-Group Information Technology.
Dr. Al-Hasawi received his graduate degree from Lehigh University, undergraduate degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and doctorate degree from Loughborough University.

Eerdere bekende functies van Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi

KUWAIT FINANCE HOUSE K.S.C.P. Corporate Officer/Principal -
GULF BANK K.S.C.P. Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
BOUBYAN BANK K.S.C.P. Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Ervaring van Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi in detail bekijken

Opleiding van Waleed Eisa Al-Hasawi

Lehigh University Graduate Degree
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Undergraduate Degree
Loughborough University Doctorate Degree

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