De Raad van Bestuur van Yamaha Corporation heeft een besluit genomen over de nieuwe line-up van Executive Officers, Operating Officers en Audit Officers die op 1 april 2024 van start gaan, gebaseerd op de selectie van kandidaten voor deze functionarissen door de Nominating Committee. De details zijn als volgt. .

Wijziging in Executive Officers (benoeming gepland voor 1 april): Toshiaki Goto (momenteel Operating Officer, Executive General Manager van Musical Instruments & Audio Products Production Unit) Verandering in Operating Officers (benoeming gepland op 1 april of pensionering op 31 maart) Masahiro Ikeda (momenteel Senior General Manager van Research & Development Division), Operating Officers gepland om met pensioen te gaan: Shinichi Takenaga (momenteel Operating Officer, Executive General Manager van Audio Products Business Unit, wordt nu bedrijfsadviseur) Hiroko Ohmura (momenteel Operating Officer, Executive General Manager van Brand Development Unit) Hirofumi Yamashita (momenteel Operating Officer, Deputy Executive General Manager van Corporate Administration Unit, wordt nu Audit Officer) Verandering in Audit Officers (benoeming gepland op 1 april of pensionering op 31 maart) Audit Officer wordt benoemd: Hirofumi Yamashita (momenteel werkzaam als Operating Officer, Deputy Executive General Manager van de Corporate Administration Unit), Geplande pensionering van Audit Officer: Hirofumi Mukaino (momenteel Audit Officer, Senior General Manager van Internal Auditing Division, wordt bedrijfsadviseur), President en Representative Executive Officer, Atsushi Yamaura (momenteel Executive Officer, Deputy Executive General Manager van Musical Instruments & Audio Products Sales Unit), Managing Executive Officer Satoshi Yamahata (momenteel Managing Executive Officer, Executive General Manager van Corporate Administration Unit), Managing Executive Officer Seiichi Yamaguchi (momenteel Managing Executive Officer, Executive General Manager van Musical Instruments Business Unit).