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Logo Red Square Games S.A.

Red Square Games SA is een in Polen gevestigd bedrijf dat zich voornamelijk bezighoudt met het uitgeven van software. De activiteiten van het bedrijf zijn onderverdeeld in twee gebieden: videospellen en offline spellen. De taak van het eerste gebied is he ...


Foto Michal Pechoucek
Michal Pechoucek

Michal Pechoucek, oprichter van Cognitive Security sro, bekleedt momenteel de functie van Chief Technology Officer bij Avast Plc en Venture Partner bij Evolution Equity Partners GmbH. In het verleden bekleedde hij de positie van Venture Partner bij Credo Ventures als en Co-Managing Director bij Cognitive Security sro.

Foto Michal Hanák
Michal Hanák

Michal Hanák has worked for Fortuna Entertainment Group NV since 1996.
He currently holds the position of Group Chief Sportsbook Officer, which he started in 2015.

Foto Michal Gnitecki
Michal Gnitecki

Michal Gnitecki is currently the President, CEO, Secretary & Treasurer at Titan Oil & Gas, Inc. since 2015.
He is also currently working as a Project Manager at PHH ARC Environmental Ltd.
since 2010.
Previously, he worked as a Secretary & Director at Blackwell 3D Construction Corp.
from 2012 to 2013 and as a Project Manager at Adler Environmental Solutions from 2008 to 2010.
Mr. Gnitecki completed his undergraduate degree at Brandon University in 2004.

Foto Michal Puchalski
Michal Puchalski

Michal Puchalski is currently the President-Management Board at Precious Metals Investments SA.

Foto Michal Pietrzyca
Michal Pietrzyca

Michal Pietrzyca has worked as a Technical Analyst at Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Srodowiska SA since 2007.

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