
Foto Susan Doniz
Susan Doniz

Momenteel bekleedt Susan Doniz de functie van Chief Information Officer & SVP-Data Analytics bij The Boeing Co. Ze is ook Director-Center for Digital Transformation aan de Universiteit van Californië, Irvine en Director-Center for Digital Transformation aan de Paul Merage School of Business en zit in de raad van bestuur van 8 andere bedrijven. Eerder bekleedde zij de functie van Global Chief Information Officer bij Aimia, Inc., Group Chief Information Officer bij Qantas Airways Ltd., Chief Information Officer van Qantas Airways Ltd. en Director-Global Business Services bij Procter & Gamble, Inc. Susan Doniz behaalde een bachelorgraad aan de Universiteit van Toronto.

Foto Susan

Susan currently works at PT Duta Pertiwi Tbk, as Secretary from 2015.
Ms. Susan also formerly worked at PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk, as Secretary from 2011 to 2015, PT Asuransi Jiwa Adisarana Wanaartha Life, as Senior Manager-Secretary & Corporate Legal from 2005 to 2011, and PT Sinar Mas Forestry, as Secretary from 2003 to 2005.
Ms. Susan received her graduate degree in 2000 from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.

Foto Susan

Susan currently works at Ford Westland, Inc., as Director-Operations.

Foto Susan A. Leonis
Susan A. Leonis

Susan A.
is currently the Director at the Chicago Transit Authority (Illinois).

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