Vincent G. Ostrosky

Vincent G. Ostrosky

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Technology Services
Consumer Services


Vince Ostrosky is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Selectica Inc. Appointed in October 2004, he is charged with leading the company into its next phase of growth.
Ostrosky brings to Selectica an acute understanding of the challenges that CEOs and CIOs face in enhancing efficiencies in their operations.
With over 15 years experience in supply chain management and consulting services with IBM Corporation and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, He will play a pivotal role in Selectica's ongoing mission to offer the best customer experience in bridging the revenue gaps in enterprise processes.
Ostrosky has provided the executive leadership for IBM's Integrated Supply Chain Business Transformation, as well as the world's most comprehensive roll out of Siebel's CRM solution across the globe.
These experiences have given him firsthand insight into the business process requirements of large enterprises and how they are addressed by application vendors.
Mr. Ostrosky received a Masters of Business Administration with distinction in Finance and Marketing from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and holds dual Bachelor of Science Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Directeur/Bestuurslid 31-05-2007
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Opleiding van Vincent G. Ostrosky

University of Pennsylvania Masters Business Admin

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